Modular Home Manufacturers & Builders Directory


The Home Store

PO Box 300
Whately, MA 01093
Toll-Free: 800-974-1266
Website: The Home Store Website

The Home Store Description:
"...In business since 1986, The Home Store is the largest custom modular home builder in Massachusetts, New England, and New York's Hudson Valley. We offer over 450 house floor plans for our custom modular homes, any of which can meet Universal Design and Energy Star requirements...."

Providing these building styles:
  • Ranch modular homes
  • Cape Cod modular homes
  • Contemporary modular homes

Providing modular homes and buildings in:

Company Background

How Long in Business1986
Yearly Avg. Number of Homes (Est.)Over 300
Professional Organizations/AffiliationsNot provided
Design Staff
(Architects & Draftsmen)
Draftsmen on staff
Builder NetworkOver 20 builders
Location of FactoriesWhately, MA
How to Buy a HomeAvailable direct or through network of home builders

Construction Details

Building MaterialsWooden home construction
Energy EfficiencyFiberglass insulation
Construction Timeframe6-8 weeks
Customization FlexibilityFully customizable
Amount of FloorplansOver 400 prepared floorplans


Avg. Cost per Square Foot$110-$150
Pricing homes by the square foot is like pricing a truck by the pound. It’s not the best measurement. Your home price is based on many customized building specifications, finishes and customizatons.
Avg. Transportation CostsDepends on final site
Avg. Placement CostsDepends on location
Site PreparationHandled by independent builder


Garage/Deck AvailabilityBoth garages and decks are provided
Possible to Addon to Existing HomeIt depends on the type of structure.
GuaranteesNot stated
Delivery RangeNortheast
Number of Factory InspectionsUpon completion
Number of Building Site InspectionsHandled by builder
Information PackageInformation available online

Our Review

Editor's Rating
Editorial ReviewHome Store has grown into a local giant of modular homes for the Northeast. They focus on customer service, customization and minimizing the markups to provide good value. They have been very successful with their formula. They are a good above average provider and should be on your list if you are looking to buy a modular home in Massachusetts. These homes look good and blend in perfectly in any neighborhood. They also have such a large amount of floorplans that they have several options for everyone from entry level to upper scale home buyers.
Mystery Homebuyer Rating

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