Modular Home Manufacturers & Builders Directory


Homes By Keystone

13338 Midvale Road
Waynesboro, PA 17268-0069
Phone: 717-765-6639
Toll-Free: 800-890-7926
Fax: 717-762-1106
Website: Homes By Keystone Website

Homes By Keystone Description:
"...The Miller family continues its "hands-on" ownership tradition, working every day to assure that the craftsmanship Keystone is known for is constantly improved. Keystone's "Total Quality Management" (TQM) program focuses on investing in continuous improvements in building materials and construction technology to assure every Keystone home owner "a lifetime of built-in value."..."

Providing these building styles:
  • Ranch modular homes
  • Cape Cod modular homes

Providing modular homes and buildings in:

Company Background

How Long in Business1966
Yearly Avg. Number of Homes (Est.)100-200
Professional Organizations/AffiliationsNone provided
Design Staff
(Architects & Draftsmen)
No architects on staff
Builder NetworkAbout 10 home builders
Location of FactoriesWaynesboro, PA
How to Buy a HomeAvailable through builder network

Construction Details

Building MaterialsWood frame construction
Energy EfficiencyCeiling: R38 Wall: R38 Floor: R38
Construction Timeframe2 to 6 weeks
Customization FlexibilityLimited customization options
Amount of Floorplans10 online floorplans


Avg. Cost per Square Foot$70-$95
Pricing homes by the square foot is like pricing a truck by the pound. It’s not the best measurement. Your home price is based on many customized building specifications, finishes and customizatons.
Avg. Transportation CostsDependent on site
Avg. Placement CostsDependent on design
Site PreparationHandled by independent builder


Garage/Deck AvailabilityDepends on model selected
Possible to Addon to Existing HomeNot offered
GuaranteesOne year factory warranty on workmanship and structure. Ten year limited warranty by Residential Warranty Corporation.
Delivery Range250 miles from factory
Number of Factory InspectionsUpon completion
Number of Building Site InspectionsHandled by builder
Information PackageFloorplans and photo gallery available on their website.

Our Review

Editor's Rating
Editorial ReviewKeystone Homes are above average homes for the entry level to mid range home buyers. They are a smaller operation that is often overlooked by the bigger operations in Pennsylvania but you should make sure to check them out. Our mystery shopper enjoyed their website and found their customer service to be very good. This family owned business definitely seems to take pride in their work. This is a solid option for home buyers within their limited delivery range.
Mystery Homebuyer Rating

Personal Reviews of Homes By Keystone

kay Skelly from Martinsburg,wv
My Keystone is 40 years old and I still love it. It is just what I needed and still needed. Economical on heat and air conditioning. Have needed little maintance.

Pat Rivers from
I had pre fab home by keystone it is located in Mt. Airy, MD. Matter fact one of my Daughter owns it right now. I have no problem with it we loved it wasn't big enough for all our children.So we sold it to our oldest daughter We move to McHenry and lived across Vaugh Vitez. I would like to have a book on Keystone home would like to have another one one married to someone else.

Brandon Leatherman from Myersville MD
Keystone did a great job at working hard to work with us in designing a home that our personalities & budget. The workers gave 100% every day to make us happy. Thanks to Keystone we have our dream home!

Gilbert Mackin from Dowell, MD 20629
This family owned modular builder is the best there is! I am extremely pleased with the product, the people and the service. 5 STARS plus!!!

Vaughn Vitez from McHenry Maryland
We bought our Keystone home in 1983. Over the years of the changing seasons, we have had no problems with our home. In 2004 we added a two car garage, sunroom and enclosed entrance that has joined the two together. We have never regreted our decision to buy from Homes By Keystone. We did change the roof pitch and replaced the aluminum siding to vinyl siding to match the addition. The carpeting, all fixtures are the same and only had to repainted the walls and ceilings.Not bad for a home that has been through high winds, heavy snow, rain, and summer heat. This is a 28 year-old home that still looks great. If your looking for a quality built home, built by a professional builders, then, talk to a represenative with Home By Keystone.

Peggy Offutt from Woodsboro, MD
We added a Keystone home on the farm in 1985 and now, August 2009, the home is fitting our son's growing family and we are adding to the basic home. We are asking Keystone if they have "modular" add-on's to their original package homes?

ed antenberg from libertytown maryland
the finest home for the money bar none in terms of floor plan, comfort, and efficiency. Did a full basement under a 4 section rancher with walkout and large garage. Just love it!

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